Porirua Club 500 Adjunct 

All Porirua Club members are welcome to join the 500 Adjunct to play cards. If you do not know how to play we will teach you.

500 Calendar:

We start our 10-week Aggregate competition in March and welcome new players

Start time 1pm – 3.30pm, will be 10 games played, 10 minutes per game.

Week one 9th March * Week five 6th April
Week two 16th March * Week six 13th April
Week three 23rd March * Week seven 20th April
Week four 30th March * Week eight 27th April
Week nine 4th May
Week ten 11th May
Results of 10 week – Trophy presentation

For more information about the Cribbage Adjunct.
Joint Convenors, Flo Karini and Rob Tipa
Secretary: Amy Robinson, Treasurer: Lynn Eves 
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