All Porirua Club members are welcome to join the 500 Adjunct to play cards. If you do not know how to play we will teach you.
500 Calendar:
We start our 10-week Aggregate competition in March and welcome new players
Start time 1pm – 3.30pm, will be 10 games played, 10 minutes per game.
Week one 9th March * Week five 6th April
Week two 16th March * Week six 13th April
Week three 23rd March * Week seven 20th April
Week four 30th March * Week eight 27th April
Week nine 4th May
Week ten 11th May
Results of 10 week – Trophy presentation
For more information about the Cribbage Adjunct.
Joint Convenors, Flo Karini and Rob Tipa
Secretary: Amy Robinson, Treasurer: Lynn Eves